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June 26th, a month before Chlum, General Nassau had been detached, with some 8 or 10,000, across Glatz Country, into Upper Silesia, to sweep that clear again. That famed Middle-Rhine Army has gone to the what shall we say? JULY 5th-19th, MIDDLE-RHINE COUNTRY. "The first Election-news that reaches Friedrich is from the Middle-Rhine Country, and of very bad complexion.

No Rhine Army, Middle-Rhine Army, Coigny, Maillebois, Conti, whoever it was, should send us the least reinforcement, when shrieked to.

Traun held leftward, westward, as if for the Neckar Valley, 'Perhaps intending to be through upon Elsass, in those southern undefended portions of the Rhine? Conti, and his Segur, and Middle-Rhine Army stood diligently on their guard; got their forces, defences, apparatuses, hurried southward, from Frankfurt quarter where they lay on watch, into those Neckar regions.

Carteret strongly pulleying, "All hands, heave-oh!" and, no doubt, those Maillebois-Broglio events from Prag assisting him, did bring the High Mightinesses to their legs; still in a staggering splay-footed posture, but trying to steady themselves. This is what Noailles has been looking for, this good while, and diligently adjusting himself, in those Middle-Rhine Countries, to give account of.

Traun having thus, by strategic suction, pulled the Middle-Rhine Army out of his and Bathyani's way, hopes they two will manage a junction on the Kinzig; after junction they will be a little stronger than Conti, though decidedly weaker taken one by one. Who did NOT invade Elsass, as was now expected; but lay at Heidelberg, intending to play pacifically a surer card.

This is he, with the old ape-face renewed by paint, whom we once saw marching with an "Army of Redemption," haggling in the Passes about Eger, unable to redeem Belleisle; marching and haggling, more lately, with a "Middle-Rhine Army," and the like non-effect; since which, fighting his best in Italy, pushed home last winter, with Browne's bayonets in his back; Belleisle succeeding him in dealing with Browne.

And they do, at least, change the General of their Middle-Rhine Army, that is to say, recall Prince Conti out of Italy, where he has distinguished himself, and send Maillebois thither in his stead, who likewise distinguishes himself THERE, if that could be a comfort to us!

They are dismantling Freyburg, to render it harmless henceforth. To the "Middle-Rhine Countries," observe, and under Maillebois, then under Conti, little matter under whom: only let readers recollect the name of it; for it is the FIRST of the French Attempts to do something of a joint-stock nature; something for self AND Allies, instead of for self only. Result otherwise We shall see the Result!

Early in March it becomes surmisable that Maillebois's Middle-Rhine Army will not go a good road. Maillebois has been busy in those countries, working extensive discontent; bullying mankind "to join the Frankfurt Union," to join France at any rate, which nobody would consent to; and exacting merciless contributions, which everybody had to consent to and pay.