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And this I can easily prove to you, mine honest friend; for, holding that pasty to be the castle What's your name, friend?" "Lorimer, sir," replied the man. "Here is to your health, honest Lorimer. I say, Lorimer holding that pasty to be the main body or citadel of the place to be defended, and taking the marrow-bone for the sconce to be erected "

Thistles, groundsel, and rank grass grew in knots on small parts which had remained for a long time undisturbed; crows often alighted on its top, and seemed to put on their spectacles and become very busy and serious; flocks of sparrows often made predatory descents upon it; an old goose and gander might sometimes he seen following each other up its side, nearly midway; pigs rooted around its base, and now and then, one bolder than the rest would venture some way up, attracted by the mixed odors of some hidden marrow-bone enveloped in a decayed cabbage-leaf a rare event, both of these articles being unusual oversights of the Searchers below.

The people of Goascoran stared at us as we rode through their streets, but none came near us until after we had vigorously pounded the magical drum, when the alguazils made their appearance, followed by all the urchins of the place, and by a crowd of lean and hungry curs, the latter evidently in watery-mouthed anticipation of obtaining from the strangers, what they seldom got at home, a stray crust or a marrow-bone.