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Quarles's enthusiasm for psychological research could hardly fail to tempt him into the trap. No. 7 Manleigh Road belonged to a man in the doctor's employment. It had been prepared for eventualities some time before probably tragedies had occurred in the house which had never been heard of.

We left the house at once, both of us in an excited state. The constable I had on special duty soon had several others with him, and before dawn No. 5 Manleigh Road was raided. It was only a garbled statement which got into the papers, and probably the whole truth will never be known; but I gradually gathered the main facts, partly from the doctor's confederates, partly from some of his victims.

Had I? It couldn't have been a dream, and yet faith in myself was shaken. It was possible I had only walked across the room a second time in my dreams. One thing is certain, I did not fall asleep again that night. I had arranged with the constable in Manleigh Road that he should keep a careful watch at dawn.

First of all, I arranged that a special constable should be on duty in Manleigh Road, and from his appearance no one would have supposed that anything in the way of a genius had been introduced into the neighborhood. He looked a fool; he was one of the smartest men I knew. Strangely enough, on the Thursday night No. 7 was burgled quite early in the evening as soon as it was dusk.

"I think if you told the whole story I should understand it better; besides, my friend here knows nothing of it, and will bring an unbiased mind to bear upon it." "And may give us a new idea," said the doctor. "I don't know whether you are acquainted with Manleigh Road, Bayswater. There are about fifty houses in it a terrace, in fact, on either side.