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But North turned away in disgust, and Macklewain and Burgess pursued their homeward route together. "Strange that he should drop like that," said the Commandant. "Yes, unless he had any internal disease," said the surgeon. "Disease of the heart, for instance," said Burgess. "I'll post-mortem him and see." "Come in and have a nip, Macklewain. I feel quite qualmish," said Burgess.

Everything must give way to that. I shall find my portmanteau in my room, you said." "Yes, yes. Call the servant if you want anything. He sleeps at the back," and North hurried off. "An impulsive gentleman," said Meekin to Macklewain, as the sound of Mr. North's footsteps died away in the distance. Macklewain shook his head seriously.

"I've a fellow who was a professional gardener," said Burgess to Sylvia during the dinner, "and I make use of his talents." "We have a professional artist also," said Macklewain, with a sort of pride. "That picture of the 'Prisoner of Chillon' yonder was painted by him. A very meritorious production, is it not?" "I've got the place full of curiosities," said Burgess; "quite a collection.

By and by, a short figure, smoking a cheroot, came up out of the dark, and proved to be Dr. Macklewain, who had been prevented from attending the dinner by reason of an accident to a constable at Norfolk Bay, which had claimed his professional attention. "Well, how's Forrest?" cried Burgess. "Mr. Meekin Dr. Macklewain." "Dead," said Dr. Macklewain. "Delighted to see you, Mr. Meekin."