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"If that doesn't work," remarked the Guru in remarkably good English, "let me know, and you must try one of my charm bottles. But the love-pills are fine. Good-day." Outside Craig looked at me quizzically. "You wouldn't believe it, Walter, would you?" he said.

"Here in this twentieth century in New York, and in fact in every large city of the world love- philtres, love-pills, and all the rest of it. And it is not among the ignorant that these things are found, either. You remember we saw automobiles waiting before some of the places." "I suspect that all who visit the fakirs are not so gullible, after all," I replied sententiously. "Perhaps not.

"Here in this twentieth century in New York, and in fact in every large city of the world love-philtres, love-pills, and all the rest of it. And it is not among the ignorant that these things are found, either. You remember we saw automobiles waiting before some of the places." "I suspect that all who visit the fakirs are not so gullible, after all," I replied sententiously. "Perhaps not.

Besides this indefinable hypnotic influence, I also noted the more material lock on the door to the inner sanctuary. "Yes," the Guru was saying to Kennedy, "I can secure you one of the love-pills from India, but it will cost you er ten dollars." I think he hesitated, to see how much the traffic would bear, from one to one hundred, and compromised with only one zero after the unit.

"If that doesn't work," remarked the Guru in remarkably good English, "let me know, and you must try one of my charm bottles. But the love-pills are fine. Good-day." Outside Craig looked at me quizzically "You wouldn't believe it, Walter, would you?" he said.

Besides this indefinable hypnotic influence, I also noted the more material lock on the door to the inner sanctuary. "Yes," the Guru was saying to Kennedy, "I can secure you one of the love-pills from India, but it will cost you er ten dollars." I think he hesitated, to see how much the traffic would bear, from one to one hundred, and compromised with only one zero after the unit.