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"No; but in a general way you represent Society; and in a particular way you represent my last chance. I've had to come down to it, old man I tried to do it a month ago when Losada's man was here turning things over; but I couldn't do it then. Now it's different. I want a thousand dollars, Goodwin; and you'll have to give it to me."

Franzoni, in warning tone, "we will change it." The offer was never changed. Could Mr. Franzoni have meant the government? This was the state of affairs in Anchuria when the winter season opened at Coralio at the end of the second year of Losada's administration.

Two of Cruz's dragoons had seized the bridle reins of Losada's horses; others formed a close guard around the carriage; and they galloped off with the tyrant and his two unpopular Ministers. No doubt a place had been prepared for them. There are a number of well-barred stone apartments in Coralio. "Rouge wins," said Mr. Vincenti, calmly lighting another cigar.

In a few minutes many officers and citizens were on the spot. I suppose you have been informed of the subsequent facts." Goodwin paused. Losada's agent maintained an attitude of waiting, as if he expected a continuance.

"It still blows," cried the speaker, exultantly. "Citizens of Anchuria, give thanks to the saints this night that our air is still free." Thus disposing of Losada's administration, he abruptly reverted to that of Olivarra, Anchuria's most popular ruler. Olivarra had been assassinated nine years before while in the prime of life and usefulness.