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If I had my way, Josiah Allen," says I firmly, "the hull liquor-trade should be in the hands of doctors, who wouldn't sell a drop without knowin' positive that it wus needed for sickness, or the aged and infirm. Good, honest doctors who couldn't be bought nor sold." Says I thoughtfully, "Surely there is one good, reliable man left in every town that could be found."

Says I, "Intemperance is bad for Dorlesky, and bad for the Nation." He murmured somethin' about the "revenue that the liquor-trade brought to the Government."

Accordingly, the liquor-trade is followed by very few persons, and the consumption of drink by the natives is very much curtailed, compared, for instance, with what it is among the drink-consuming natives of New Zealand, who are allowed to swallow the "fire-water," to the great profit of the publicans and to their own demoralization, without any restriction whatever.

Of course, after such a salvo, Mr. Cooper pocketed the profits of his liquor-trade with a quiet conscience. He used to tell me that a little brandy was good for the "suggestion;" but I fear that he made, in his own person, too large a demand upon its suggestive properties; for his house is now untenanted and ruinous, and he himself has carried his tender conscience to another settlement.