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Many now begin to give linseed-meal mixed into hot water, to which is added some skim-milk or buttermilk; and others use a little bran cooked in hay-tea, made by chopping the hay fine and pouring on boiling-hot water, which is allowed to stand awhile on it. An egg is frequently broken into such a mixture.

She came quietly up to the bed, looked at Zeen for some time, felt his pulse and then, looking up, said, very quietly: "Zeen's going.... Has the priest been?" "The priest?... It's so far and so late and the poor soul's so old...." "What have you given him?" "Haarlem oil, English salt...." "And we put his feet in bran water." Virginie stood thinking. "Have you any linseed-meal?" she asked. "No."

Others still take pains at this age to have fresh linseed-cake, broken into pieces of the size of a pigeon's egg; putting one of these into the mouth after the meal of milk has been finished, and when it is eager to suck at any thing in its way. It will very soon learn to eat linseed-meal.

It is believed that this pleasing insect sometimes gets into the skin, and produces a kind of itch. I do not believe there is much danger of adulteration in good loaf or crushed white sugar, or good granulated or brown sugar. Pepper is mixed with fine dust, dirt, linseed-meal, ground rice, or mustard and wheat-flour; ginger, with wheat flour colored by turmeric and reinforced by cayenne.