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Updated: January 2, 2025
Now any landshark, as has his eyes out of his heart, could see that Miss Lina's only took a faintin' turn, that comes after a skeer like hers, axactly as sleep stills a tired baby. Just give her here now, I'll take her down the river, throw a cap full of water in her face, and she'll be bright as a new dollar long before we get across."
That isn't what's leading you now." "Well, let me put it another way. Transley is a clever man of affairs. He knows how to accomplish his ends. He applied the methods somewhat modified for the occasion of a landshark in winning his wife. He makes a great appearance of unselfishness, but in reality he is selfish to the core.
That wizened-up landshark of a Jerry Clifford is in sight, bound to the post-office, I cal'late. Goin' to put a one-cent stamp on a letter and let the feller that gets it pay the other cent, I suppose. He always asks the postmaster to lick the stamp, so's to save the wear and tear on his own tongue.
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