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Meanwhile he read L'Humeur, which he found on the table before him. But L'Humeur is not really very funny. It has only one joke, only one type of comic picture: a woman incompletely dressed. Was that, Henry speculated, really funny? It happens, after all, to nearly all women at least every morning and every evening.

I have no time to be peevish. Quand on a le coeur gros, et serre, comme je l'ai souvent a cette heure, il est rare que l'on a de l'humeur; l'ame est trop serieusement attaquee et touchee pour preter attention a de petites choses; chez moi, je suis triste, je soupire, mais je ne gronde plus, je ne m'emporte pas. Richard, I hear, goes in about a fortnight.

They wrangled, Miss Winter was displeased, and Ethel felt injured. Mary's inability to catch the pronunciation, and her hopeless dull look when she found that coeur must not be pronounced cour, nor cur, but something between, to which her rosy English lips could never come all this did not tease M. Ballompre, for he was used to it. His mark for Ethel's lesson was "de l'humeur."

Ce que la Brocquière dit de cet évéque annonce de l'humeur, et l'on conçoit que n'entendant point parler des deux manuscrits întéressans qu'il avoit apportés d'Asie, il devoit en avoir. Cependant Germain s'en occupa; mais ce ne fut que pour travailler