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'Mother, the little girl in my story wears a magenta frock and a white pinafore. 'You minded that! But I'm thinking it wasna a lassie in a pinafore you saw in the long parks of Kinnordy, it was just a gey done auld woman. 'It was a lassie in a pinafore, mother, when she was far away, but when she came near it was a gey done auld woman. 'And a fell ugly one!

But canst thou blame me if I grow sad? The town still in the enemy's hands, and so much brave blood already spilt in vain. Knowest thou that the brave Kinnordy fell last night? My noble Kinnordy!" Here Stroke covers his face with his hands, weeping silently, and and there is an awkward pause. "Weep not, my royal scion, havest thou not still me?"

'And now you've gone back to my father's time. It's more than sixty years since I carried his dinner in a flagon through the long parks of Kinnordy. 'I often go into the long parks, mother, and sit on the stile at the edge of the wood till I fancy I see a little girl coming toward me with a flagon in her hand. I used to wear a magenta frock and a white pinafore. Did I ever tell you that?

My uncle and aunt generally paid a visit to the Lyells of Kinnordy, the father and mother of my friend Sir Charles Lyell, the celebrated geologist; but this time they accepted an invitation from Captain Wedderburn, and took me with them. Captain Wedderburn was an old bachelor, who had left the army and devoted himself to agriculture.