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"We'll camp right here, Kalman," said French, as they reached a level tongue of open prairie, around three sides of which flowed the Eagle River. Of all their camps during the three days' search none was so beautiful, and none lived so long in Kalman's memory, as the camp by the Eagle River near Wakota.

"We'll scramble down here, Jacob," he said to his broncho, so named by Brown, for that he had "supplanted" in Kalman's affection his first pony, the pinto. He dismounted, drew the reins over the broncho's head, and began the descent, followed by his horse, slipping, sliding, hanging on now by trees and now by jutting rocks.

Wright, "you get these men's names this man," pointing to Sprink, "and a dozen more and we'll make this interesting for Rosenblatt in the police court to-morrow morning." Outside the house the doctor found Paulina sitting in the snow with Kalman's head in her lap, swaying to and fro muttering and groaning. Beside her stood Irma and Elizabeth Ketzel weeping wildly. The doctor raised the boy gently.

Having once used this, you will be sure to come back again. Try that," he cried in a threatening tone, "and look me in the eye." The anger fled from Kalman's face, and he began to understand that their new friend had been simply jollying them, and he sincerely hoped that neither he nor French had noticed his recent rage.