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A very pleasing blanket is shown in Plate LXXII, No. 2 in which the designs are identified as a rice cake, and b as a star, while the whole pattern is known as kalayan the river. The textile in Plate LXXIII, No. 1 imitates a mat, while No. 2 is known as kosikos the circle.

The Kalayan publicist was also convicted of treason against the state; they banished him to a desert island, where for many hours daily he had to multiply copies of his news-sheet that issue which contained the declaration of war and at evening to burn them all. He presently became imbecile, and so passed away." Piers laughed with delight. "Whether it ever got into print," said Mr.

He further insists that neither Balatik nor any other constellation governs the time of an offering, nor does such a ceremony insure better crops or success in war. He describes the sacrifice following the death of Datu Kalayan, his father, as follows: "A Bila-an slave was purchased for one agong and preparations made for a sacrifice.

On the other hand, the Kalayan official, his cupidity excited by the profits already arising from his invention, desired nothing better than some stirring event which would lead to still greater demand for the news-sheets he distributed, and so he also was led to the idea of stirring up international strife.