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If I should not speak as well as others, still you must listen to me. Father, when you made the speech to the chiefs, Waugh Kon Decorie Carramani, the one-eyed Decorie, and others, I was there. I heard you. I thought what you said to them, you also said to me. Your words entered into my ear, my brains and my heart.

Mon, kh'tam; Khmêr, ktam; Khasi, tham. If we add the gender sign to the Khasi word, it becomes ka tham, and we have exact correspondence. Woman. Mon, brou or brao. Child. So, kón; Suk, kon; Mon, kon; Hüei, kuon; Annan, kon; Khmêr, kun; Khasi, khun. Compare Nancowry, kon. Eye. The word mat, mat, mat, run through several of these languages, e.g.

A Chinaman was asked if there were good doctors in China. "Good doctors!" he exclaimed. "China have best doctors in world. Hang Chang one good doctor; he great; save life, to me." "You don't say so! How was that?" "Me velly bad," he said. "Me callee Doctor Han Kon. Give some medicine. Get velly, velly ill. Me callee Doctor San Sing. Give more medicine. Me glow worse go die.

Adams's final verdict was: "I fear they are of no value. It is pretty evident that, when he wrote these notes, Newton's mathematics were a little rusty." R. S. Phil. Trans. The experiment had been made before by one who did not understand its meaning;. But Sir George G. Stokes had already given verbally the true explanation of Frauenhofer lines. Abh. d. Kon. Bohm. d.