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She started to reply, but he lifted a detaining finger. The city hall clock was striking the hour. "My princess," his lips touched her own, "I wish you the joyfulest Christmas " "Ting! ting! Ting! ti-i-ng!" broke in imperiously. "Go," he urged, loosing his clasp. "Oh, Mis' Randolph! is that you?" came in Miss Crilly's clear voice.

Of co'se, we can't be shore thet they was rejoicin' expressed in the underbrush an' the forests, ez he says, but I do say, ez I said before, thet Sonny an' the little girl has had the purtiest an' joyfulest weddin' I ever see in this county, an' a good time was had by everybody present. An' it has made me mighty happy it an' its results.

"Poor Petrick!" said Sure-shot, as we descended the slope, "he weer the joyfulest kimrade I ever hed, an' we must gi' him the berril o' a Christyan. I wonder neow what on airth them verming lies done wi' him? Wheer kin they have hid his body?" "True where is it? It was out yonder on the plain? I saw it there: they had scalped him." "Yees; they sculped him at the time we weer all captered.

At least, I would not sell it again, if I were you, without having it appraised first by an expert." "Oh, my dear girl!" cried 'Rill, with streaming eyes, "Hopewell won't ever sell it again. I won't let him. And we've got the joyfulest news, Janice! You have doubled our joy to-day.

"`Andy, says I, `this is the joyfulest Christmas I've had yit, an' if I was to live till twenty hundred I don't b'lieve I'd have no joyfuler, with things comin' in so pat; so don't you throw no shadders. "`Shadders! says Andy. `That ain't me. I leave that sort of thing fur Tom Simmons. "`Shadders is cool, says I, `an' I kin go to sleep under all he throws.