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Staggering under its weight, Leon shouldered the jewelcase and carried it to the touring car, where Liane superintended its disposal in the luggage-jammed tonneau. A second trip, less laborious, brought them the hamper. Liane uttered perfunctory thanks and called to Jules, who was still tinkering at the limousine engine with the aid of an electric torch. "Come, Jules!

She replaced it in its old compartment in her jewelcase and thought of it with wonder, with a hint of joy at regaining it, and with much sadness. She was still fond of Viola Longstreet. Jane did not easily part with her loves. She did not know where Viola was. Margaret had inquired of Louisa, who did not know.

"She had asked you for it, because I had gone down-stairs?" asked Jane, feebly. "No, Miss Jane. I had not seen her. I went out right after you did. Louisa had finished Mrs. Longstreet, and she and I went down to the mailbox to post a letter, and then we sat on the landing, and I saw your comb." "Have you," asked Jane, "looked in the jewelcase?" "Yes, Miss Jane." "And it is not there?"

We will take your car and go on." "But, monsieur, I " Leon began to expostulate. The icy accents of Liane Delorme cut it: "Well, Leon: what is your objection?" "Objection, madame?" the fellow faltered. "Pardon but it is not for me to object. I I was merely startled." "Then get over that at once," he was advised; "and bring my jewelcase Marthe will point it out to you to the touring-car."