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The account of his travels, together with his life, are to be found: in Bolandi Actis Sanctorum, 14to Januarii; in which he is honoured with the title of Saint. Oderic died at Udina in 1331. In 1737, Basilio Asquini, an Italian Barnabite of Udina, published La Vita e Viaggi del Beato Qderico da Udihe, probably an Italian translation from the Latin of Bolandi.

NICHOLS' PROGRESSES OF K. JAMES I., VOL.III. p.306. "The 2 of Octr: Allaster MacGregor of Glenstrae tane be the laird Arkynles, bot escapit againe; bot after taken be the Earle of Argyll the 4 of Januarii, and brought to Edr: the 9 of Januar: 1604, wt: 18 mae of hes friendes MacGregors.

Johnson, in another column of his Diary, has put down, in a note, 'First printed book in Greek, Lascaris's Grammar, 4to, Mediolani, 1476. The imprint of this book is, Mediolani Impressum per Magistrum Dionysium Paravisinum. M.CCCC.LXXVI. Die xxx Januarii. The first book printed in the English language was the Historyes of Troye, printed in 1471.

Hoc solum mihi potest jocundium esse Quod divi parentes me, Ludovicus et Beatrix Mediolanenses duces genuere, M.C.C.C.C.LXXXXVII. Tertio Nonas Januarii."

And after: Dies Aegyptiaci et Januarii calendae non sunt observandae. Fifthly, Our assertion will find place in the school too, which holdeth that Jews are forbidden to wear a garment of diverse sorts, as of linen and woollen together, and that their women were forbidden to wear men’s clothes, or their men women’s clothes, because the Gentiles used so in the worshipping of their gods.