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Conducted as if by wires along the heavy air comes a guitar's tinkle, and the demoralizing voice of some senorita singing: "En las tardes sombrillos del invierro En el prado a Marar me reclino Y maldigo mi fausto destino Una vida la mas infeliz." The words of it they do not understand neither Toledo nor Memphis, but words are the least important things in life.

For the first time in his life the Commander thought of policy for the first time he quoted that text which has been the lure of so many well-meaning but easy Christians, of being "all things to all men." Infeliz Hermenegildo Salvatierra! For by degrees an ominous whisper crept though the little settlement.

Quereis hacer una división imposible, dividir al individuo humano en dos mitades: mitad feliz en el hogar y mitad infeliz en la sociedad, o viceversa.

For the first time in his life the commander thought of policy, for the first time he quoted that text which has been the lure of so many well-meaning but easy Christians, of being "all things to all men." Infeliz Hermenegildo Salvatierra! For by degrees an ominous whisper crept through the little settlement.

Y estas niñas de hoy que adoran en Rizal y que le dedican sus cantos y oraciones, mañana se convertirán en las ciudadanas, que no serán, como la infeliz Maria Clara, víctimas de las injusticias sociales, sino reparadoras de ellas, y sublimes propagadoras del bien, de la virtud de la gloria y grandeza de su patria. ; abrigo esa esperanza, tengo en la libertad de la mujer.