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For Adoration ripening canes And cocoa's purest milk detains The westering pilgrim's staff; Where rain in, clasping boughs inclos'd, And vines with oranges dispos'd, Embower the social laugh. For Adoration, beyond match, The scholar bulfinch aims to catch The soft flute's ivory touch; And, careless on the hazle spray, The daring redbreast keeps at bay The damsel's greedy clutch.

Among the letters there are many anxious allusions, which may indicate that Haydn was suffering from insomnia, unless you are inclined to give them a more subtle significance. But to the quotations, with regrets that they must be incomplete. "Wednesday, Febr. 8th, 1792. "M.D. Inclos'd I have sent you the words of the song you desire. I wish much to know how you do to day.

Unto the steward they drew nigh therefore, And thus communed with him at the door: O sir, say they, we came at first indeed To buy provision to supply our need; And in our inn as we our sacks unloos'd, We found our money therein all inclos'd In its full weight, whereat surpris'd with fear, Not knowing who had put our money there, We now have brought it in full weight again, And other money too, to buy more grain.

A stone on the floor of the retro-choir to John Johnson, master and mariner, dated 1737, is crowded with nautical metaphor. 'Tho' Boreas with his Blustring blasts Has tos't me to and fro, Yet by the handy work of God I'm here Inclos'd below And in this Silent Bay I lie With many of our Fleet Untill the Day that I Set Sail My Admiral Christ to meet.