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'Preserve us, Lord, by thy deare word, From Turk and Pope, defend us Lord, Which both would thrust out of his throne Our Lord Jesus Christ, thy deare son. 'Proinde quum dominus Matth. 6 docet discipulos suos ne in orando multiloqui sint, nihil aliud docet quam ne credant deum inani verborum strepitu flecti rem eandem subinde flagitantium.

With her and sister Theresa the priest proposed next day to leave Carlisle for the nearest seaport from which they could embark for France. 'Fun-garque inani munere, he repeated, as the ecclesiastic retired. 'Yet why not class these acts of remembrance with other honours, with which affection in all sects pursues the memory of the dead?

Cf. clavarium, H. 3, 50, note. But after Augustus, official pay, salary. Ne emisse. Proprium humani, etc. Mark the sentiment. Irrevocabilior. More implacable. Found in this sense only in T. Cf. Boet. Lex. Tac. Illicita. Unlawful, i.e. forbidden by the powers that be. Explained by contumacia and inani jactatione libertatis above.

But, in good earnest, as the arm when it is advanced to strike, if it miss the blow, and goes by the wind, it pains us; and as also, that, to make a pleasant prospect, the sight should not be lost and dilated in vague air, but have some bound and object to limit and circumscribe it at a reasonable distance. "Ventus ut amittit vires, nisi robore densa Occurrant sylvae, spatio diffusus inani."