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"No," said Dona Rosita in grave triumph, "he say Essmith. For this Essmith is like Huanson an apodo nothing." "Then you really think this man was your old friend?" asked Demorest. "I think." "And that he was a robber even when living here and that it was not your cruelty that really drove him to take the road?" Dona Rosita shrugged her plump shoulders. "You will not comprehend.

Tiburcio, our vaquero, have that night made himself a pasear on the road, and he have seen HIM. He have seen, one, two, three men came from the wood with something on the face, and HE is of them. He has nothing on his face, and Tiburcio have recognize him. We have laugh at Tiburcio. We believe him not. It is improbable that this Senor Huanson " "Senor who?" said Demorest.

"Have no fear," said Dona Rosita quickly, "he is gone I saw him pass away so! But it was HE Huanson. I recognize him. I forget him never." "Are you sure?" "Have I the eyes? the memory? Madre de Dios! Am I a lunatico too? Look! He have stood there so." "Then you think he knew you were here?" "Quien sabe?" "And that he came here to see you?"

"Huanson eet is the name of him. Ah, Carr! posiblemente it is nothing a Don Fulano or an apodo Huanson." "Oh, I see, JOHNSON, very likely." "We have said it is not possible that this good man, who have come to the house and ride on his back the children, is a thief and a brigand. And one night my father have come from the Monterey in the coach, and it was stopped.