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A hundred yards away stood a low, red-tiled house, with lights burning downstairs, and an unmistakable air of hostlery for man and beast. We veered at once in our course, and in a few minutes were hallooing for the host or the hostler. "Now I hope that you are satisfied, my friend," I said exultantly to Michael, who only grunted as he swung off his animal.

Similar scenes were enacted in every house in which there were male children. Of the twelve Jewish homes in Togarog, but two were spared. The children, in most cases scantily dressed, were hurried to Basilivitch's hostlery, where wagons were in waiting to take them to Alexandrovsk for the Governor's inspection. Mournful was the train that followed the little band through the village.

As we have already informed the reader, it was nearly dark when the young Fergusons rode into Warwick; and dismounting at the door of the "Bullock's Head," leaving their horses and packs to the charge of their black boy Joey, they ensconced themselves in the general apartment of the hostlery dignified by the name of coffee-room.

But they made no effort to detain him; and as he disappeared in the distant shadows, hastened back into the wretched hostlery where they had been merry-making.

Stephen Fay, mine host of the "Catamount" Inn as the hostlery had come to be called a large, jocund individual who was a Grants man to the core and earnest in the cause of the Green Mountain Boys made all welcome and the old house was crowded from daylight till dark.