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You were, no doubt, somewhere near the scene of it." Wyllard laughed. "I sat upon the steerage ladder, and am afraid I cheered the combatants on. It was really a glorious row. They hammered each other with tin plates, and some of them tried to use hoop-iron knives, which fortunately doubled up.

Kugler recites the description of the case of an arrow-wound of the thorax, complicated by frightful dyspnea and blood in the pleural cavity and in the bronchi, with recovery. Smart extracted a hoop-iron arrow-head, 1 3/4 inches long and 1/2 inch in breadth, from the brain of a private, about a month after its entrance. About a dram of pus followed the exit of the arrow-head.

Among these were included all the axes, hoop-iron, and other pieces of manageable metal that could be easily carried. There were also numbers of tin cans, iron pots, cups, glass tumblers, earthenware plates, and other things of the kind, which were esteemed a most valuable possession by people whose ordinary domestic furniture consisted chiefly of seal-skin bowls and shallow stone dishes.

While we were examining these things and talking about them, Jack suddenly started and exclaimed: "The oar! We have forgotten the oar!" "What good will that do us?" said Peterkin. "There's wood enough on the island to make a thousand oars." "Ay, lad," replied Jack; "but there's a bit of hoop-iron at the end of it, and that may be of much use to us." "Very true," said I; "let us go fetch it."