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Omphyma turbinatum, Linn. Sp. Pseudocrintes bifasciatus, Pearce. Calymene Blumenbachii, Brong. Sphaerexochus mirus, Beyrich; coiled up. Homalonotus delphinocephalus, Konig. The crustaceans are represented almost exclusively by Trilobites, which are very conspicuous, 22 being peculiar.

Mr Warricombe, regarding him with a look of repressed eagerness, laid a hand on his arm, and spoke in the subdued voice of one who has important news to communicate. 'If I am not much mistaken, I have chanced on a new species of homalonotus! 'Indeed! not in your kitchen garden, I presume? 'Hardly. Dr Pollock sent me a box of specimens the other day'

The Spirifer Sandstone of Sandberger, as exhibited in the rocks bordering the Rhine between Coblentz and Caub, belong to this Lower division, and the same broad-winged Spirifers distinguish the Devonian strata of North America. Homalonotus armatus, Burmeister. Lower Devonian; Daun, in the Eifel; and S. Devon. Obs.

BRITISH. Bituminous schists of Gamrie, Caithness, etc., with numerous fish. BRITISH. Arbroath paving-stones, with Cephalaspis and Pterygotus. FOREIGN. Oriskany sandstone of Western Canada and New York. BRITISH. Upper Ludlow formation, Downton sandstone, with bone-bed. FOREIGN. Niagara limestone, with Calymene, Homalonotus, etc. BRITISH. Bala and Caradoc beds.

Warricombe to invite his guest's attention to the species of homalonotus which he had had the happiness of identifying some ten years ago a discovery now recognised and chronicled. Though his sympathy was genuine enough, Godwin struggled against an uneasy sense of manifesting excessive appreciation.