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There was no longer any hope of carrying out the plan of throwing himself across the head of the German column, but if Von Hipper could not be driven into Jellicoe's arms it was conceivable that he might be led there, and with him the additional force that Von Scheer was bringing up to join him.

Sad as our losses are and the gallant Lutzow has sunk in sight of home I am filled with pride. We have met that great armada the British Fleet, we have struck them with a hammer blow and we have returned. I was asleep in my cabin when the news came that Hipper was coming south with the British battle cruisers on his beam. In five minutes we were at our action stations.

Ten minutes later Hipper got word of British light cruisers and destroyers sighted to the westward and, changing course to northwest, he headed for them at high speed. At 2.45 Beatty sent out a seaplane from the Engadine to ascertain the enemy's position. This is the first instance in naval history of a fleet scouting by means of aircraft.

As a result the three light British cruisers were ordered to slow down and to take positions to the rear. By eleven o'clock there were fires raging on both the Seydlitz and the Derfftinger, and Admiral Hipper decided to try to save his larger ships by sacrificing the destroyers that accompanied them.