United States or Republic of the Congo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I was thinkin' of the hull blamed country, and I didn't care how he took it. 'Any good, able-bodied wind'll jump a fire across that guard so quick it won't reelize there was any there, I says. "Man didn't like it none too well, either. He says to me: 'That guard'll stop any fire I ever saw, and I got right back at him he-he! 'Man, I says, 'you ain't never saw a prairie fire' just like that.

Only the moving of the couch draperies, the gentle swaying of the portieres, or the closing of the wardrobe door gave hint as to the places of disappearance. Again came the knock. Mary Wilson with suspicious haste opened the door. "He-he," giggled Azzie, entering. "You thought it was Mrs. Smiles. Come, girls. Come out. Mrs.

Any other fellow takin' your wind?" and his furtive eyes darted a keen interrogation. Sam did not answer at once, and his friend went on: "Why, she don't hardly know anybody but me and you, and, he-he! I wouldn't stand no chance at all against you hum?" "Of course you wouldn't," said Sam, with slow contempt, which brought the muddy blood into the sallow cheek in front of him.

"He's all right," said Dick, beginning to chuckle. "He-he. He's at school, he is!" "At school. You mean to say you've put him to school at his time of life! He's rather old for that sort of thing, isn't he? They don't take him on the ordinary terms, do they?" "Ah," said Dick, "that'sh where it is. He isn't old, you see, now, to look at." "Not old to look at!