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But in a little while he was ready for more. "How about your chestnuts?" he asked. And Uncle Sammy turned his back again. "I have a few," he said. "I'll buy a handful," Sandy told him, as he pulled another ear of corn out of the basket. And after that Sandy bought hickory nuts and hazelnuts and walnuts. "How about peanuts?" he asked then. "I've never eaten any; but I've heard they are very good."

Such were the statements everywhere put in circulation; and when the Longbows of the place got full hold of it, Gulliver, Peter Wilkins, and Sinbad the Sailor were completely eclipsed. Diamonds as big as hen's eggs, and pearls the size of hazelnuts, were said to be the commonest buttons and ornaments the Princess wore, and her silks and shawls were set beyond all price.

The pasteboard was cut out to fit the picture, and the margins, daubed with paste, were then strewn with seeds of corn and acorns and hazelnuts, and then the whole was gilded so that the effect was almost as rich as it was novel.

Now Uncle Simon was himself a preacher, or at least he thought so, and was rather pleased than otherwise, when he heard others spoken of in a disparaging manner. "Uncle Simon can beat dat sermon all to pieces," said Ned, as he was filling his mouth with hazelnuts. "I got no notion of dees white fokes, no how," returned Aunt Dafney.