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There'll be nothin' to house-keep on till I can save up some more. "'Yes, we can, too, says she. 'I don't keer if yeh ain't got so much as a piece o' bale-rope. "'But yer paw? "'I don't keer, says she, very hard-like, a-stampin' her foot. 'He can like it or lump it.

His words were very quiet, but his eyes looked full of stars. 'I canna tell what it is aboot the sun 'at maks a dog o' me! he said. 'He's hard-like, and hauds me oot, and gars me hing my heid, and feel as gien I wur a kin' o' ashamed, though I ken o' naething. But the bonny nicht comes straucht up to me, and into me, and gangs a' throuw me, and bides i' me; and syne I luik for the bonny man!

Dashed if I ever heard father say a soft thing before. I couldn't 'a believed it. I always thought he was ironbark outside and in. But he seemed real sorry for once. And I was near sayin', 'Why don't ye cut the whole blessed lot, then, and come home and work steady and make us all comfortable and happy? But when I looked again his face was all changed and hard-like.

They wasn't liked in the place, neither of them, partly through bein' so hard-like to their workpeople, and partly from them treating their only son so bad I mean to say turning him right off because he married without asking permission.