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=The tomato worms=, of which there are two common species closely resembling each other, are often abundant and destructive on tomato foliage, particularly southward. The arsenicals will kill them, or they can be held in check by hand-picking, a little experience enabling one to detect their presence readily. Turkeys are utilized in destroying these worms in the South.

When they saw what he had done, and were convinced of the truth of what he told them, that they could clean more cotton in a day by his machine than in many months by the old hand-picking way, their excitement was great, and the report of the wonderful invention spread far and wide. Shall we say here what this machine was like?

This has led to the eradication of the tick in certain sections of the South, by not allowing cattle access to a pasture or lot for a certain period, and by freeing the animals from ticks by hand-picking, dipping and smearing. The immunization of cattle that are shipped into an infected district for breeding purposes is often practised.

Cotton never could have become an article of much commercial importance under the old method of preparing it for market. By hand-picking, or by a process strictly manual, a cultivator could not prepare for market, during the year, more than from 200 to 300 pounds; being only about one-tenth of what he could cultivate to maturity in the field. In '93 Mr.