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He shook me heartily by the hand, congratulated me on my miraculous and providential escape, not forgetting my marvellous prowess as a swimmer; and, calling in the landlord of the inn and the old fisherman, wrote out in their presence an order for the restoration of my property, and a warrant for the apprehension of Grute, who, it appeared, had helped himself to all my loose cash, with the exception of a single dollar.

Poor English gentleman a countryman of yours, perhaps a friend ah! dear God! drowned unhappy man carried away by the river in the morning before any of us were up. Here he wrung his hands in evident sorrow: 'Ah, that stupid Grute! why did he let the gentleman bathe in the Danube? 'Stop! said I; 'let me put an end to your regret I am that Englishman!

There was racing and chasing after Grute during the whole night, but he had had the wit to take himself out of the way. My valise had luckily not been tampered with; the contents were all as I left them; and I had the happiness of rewarding the honest fisherman for the pains he had taken in my behalf, and the confidence he had reposed in me. My poor horse had not been treated so well.

Grute was the filthy stableman; and the landlord, half-dreaming, ran off to fetch him a most unfortunate circumstance, as it put the rogue upon his guard, and prepared him for the part which it was necessary for his safety that he should play. The landlord returned in two minutes, dragging Grute in with him.

'You you! cried he, as he staggered back into a seat. 'But it cannot be it is impossible. I do not recollect you: you are deceiving me! Sir, it is a cruel jest. 'It is no jest, said I; 'Heaven be praised. Where is Grute, as you call him? He will tell you whether it is a jest.

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