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"Why, that last lead of yourn is too many for me that's the idea. I can't neither-trump nor follow suit." The clergyman sank back in his chair perplexed. Scotty leaned his head on his hand and gave himself up to thought. Presently his face came up, sorrowful but confident. "I've got it now, so's you can savvy," he said. "What we want is a gospel-sharp. See?" "A what?" "Gospel-sharp. Parson." "Oh!

"Why, that last lead of yourn is too many for me that's the idea. I can't neither-trump nor follow suit." The clergyman sank back in his chair perplexed. Scotty leaned his head on his hand and gave himself up to thought. Presently his face came up, sorrowful but confident. "I've got it now, so's you can savvy," he said. "What we want is a gospel-sharp. See?" "A what?" "Gospel-sharp. Parson." "Oh!

I have submitted these yere views to Benson Annie, an' she concurs. I've took the trouble to bring a gospel-sharp over from Tucson to do the marryin', an' I've set the happy event for to-night, to conclood with a blow-out in the dance-hall at my expense.

She had entered the carriage when the driver with the all-pervading knowledge and unlimited assurance of the Western hackman remarked genially: "Madame Elize, there's another gospel-sharp out on the edge of the town. He's poorer than Job's turkey, and his whole dorgon'd little scantlin' church ain't bigger than one of them Saratogy trunks, but his people just swear by him.