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However, as soon as directions were given for the death of poor Goneaway, they went on, and received a very satisfactory account of the proceedings from those who had seen the finish.

"I've been thinking about it, and there's no doubt about having it for you on Friday, av that'll suit." "That brother-in-law of yours is a most unmitigated blackguard, isn't he, Martin?" said Frank, who was thinking more about poor Goneaway than the money. "He isn't no brother-in-law of mine yet, and probably niver will be, for I'm afeard poor Anty'll go.

He'd leave his sister in peace and quiet then, to enjoy her fortune." "That's true," said Frank; "and it would be a great thing to rid the country of him. Do you remember the way he rode a-top of that poor bitch of mine the other day Goneaway, you know; the best bitch in the pack?"

Two days after the hunt in which poor Goneaway was killed by Barry's horse, Ballindine received the following letter from his friend Dot Blake. Limmer's Hotel, 27th March, 1844. Dear Frank, I and Brien, and Bottom, crossed over last Friday night, and, thanks to the God of storms, were allowed to get quietly through it.

The horse the man rode knew his business better than himself, and tried to spare the dogs which were under his feet; but, in getting out, he made a slight spring, and came down on the haunches of a favourite young hound called "Goneaway"; he broke the leg close to the socket, and the poor beast most loudly told his complaint.