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Updated: November 6, 2024
A gold-link bag was afterward discovered at the scene of the crime, and though none of its other contents betokened its owner, a visiting card with your name on it was in the bag." Becoming interested in the story, Mrs. Purvis seemed to get over her fright, and was exceedingly sensible for a woman. "It certainly is not my bag, Mr.
I was terribly disappointed. To be sure she might be telling a falsehood about the bag, but I didn't think so. She was angry, annoyed, and a little frightened at my intrusion, but she was not at all embarrassed at my question. "Are you quite sure you have not lost a gold-link bag?" I insisted, as if in idiotic endeavor to persuade her to have done so.
The girl also rose, picked up his card, glanced carelessly at it, and put it into her hand-bag a little gold-link affair worth many dinners. It was the voice and these evidences of wealth, more than anything else, that determined Warrington. Frauds were always perpetrated for money, and this exquisite creature had a small fortune on her fingers.
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