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The foregoing is irrefutable evidence that the fool-killer is enacting the role of cunctator. Only a gold-bug editor could insult the people of Alabama with such an exhibition of idiocy. I am heartily tired of this whole currency question; but the Advertiser has been fairly stinking for attention a long time its Smart Alecism has become simply insupportable.

All the political corruption of the party when it was dominated by plutocrats is condoned because its perpetrators shout "sixteen to one!" The administration, at a breath of criticism, has its subsidized organs subsidized by anything from two to ten dollars declare that the critic is a traitor to the cause, that he is a gold-bug or a republican in disguise.

"The Gold-Bug" seems to have been written in 1842 for Poe's projected magazine, The Stylus. F.O.C. Darley, the well-known artist, was to draw pictures for it at seven dollars each. Poe himself took to him the manuscript of "The Gold-Bug" and that of "The Black Cat."

Poe may have found a hint for his story in the wreck of the old brigantine Cid Campeador off the coast of South Carolina in 1745, the affidavits of the burying of the treasure being still preserved in the Probate Court Records of Charleston. Plot. "The Gold-Bug" is recognized as one of the world's greatest short stories and marks a distinct advance in short-story structure.

Afterward, by the confessions of two of the participants, it was proved that his solution of the mystery was almost exactly the truth. "The Gold-Bug" was not published until sometime later, but it was as editor of Graham's Magazine that Poe first became known as a writer of detective stories. One of the most famous is "The Murders of the Rue Morgue."