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When the Ghul heard this, he laughed a loud laugh, as it were the pealing thunder, and said, "O my lord, by the life of thy head, if the Persians and Medes united against me, I would make them quaff the cup of annihilation."

He sprang to his feet for sweet life and would have laid hold of me; but he was blind. When it was the Seven Hundred and Seventy-third Night, She resumed, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Sa'id continued, "Now when I struck the Ghul with the sword he cried out to me, 'O man, an thou desire to slay me, strike me a second stroke!"

So they cried upon their slaves who brought firewood and kindled a fire in the heart of the plain. Then there came out to him a man of the Kafirs, an Amalekite of the unbelieving Amalekites, bearing on his shoulder a mace like the mast of a ship, and drove at Sa'adan the Ghul, saying, "Woe to thee, O Sa'adan!"

Moreover, I hear that, become a Moslem, he goeth about, summoning the folk to his faith. He is now gone to bear the Princess of Persia, whom he delivered from the Ghul, back to her father, King Sabur, and will not return but with the treasures of the Persians."

Then out rushed Sa'adan the Ghul and offered combat, whereupon there issued forth to him one of the champions of Hind; but Sa'adan scarce let him take stand in front ere he smote him with his mace and crushed his bones and stretched him on the ground; and so did he with a second and a third, till he had slain thirty fighting-men. But this day is the last of thy worldly days."