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Coconut soap is very hard, and brilliantly white, and is dissolved in salt water more easily than any other soap. On Pigafetta's map Leyte is divided into two parts, the north being called Baibay, and the south Ceylon. Pigaf., 70. According to Dr. Gerstaecker: Oedipoda subfasciata, Haan, Acridium Manilense, Meyen.

By Henry Coppee, A.M. Richly Illustrated. Philadelphia. E.H. Butler & Co. 8vo. morocco. $12.00. Women of Beauty and Heroism. From Semiramis to Eugénie. A Portrait Gallery of Female Loveliness, Achievement, and Influence. Illustrated with Nineteen Engravings on Steel. By Frank B. Goodrich. New York. Derby & Jackson. 8vo. morocco. $12.00. Wild Sports in the Far West. By Frederick Gerstaecker.

Leydig, Gerstaecker, and others believe this same organ to be olfactory. Perhaps, after all, there is room for only one more doctor of science who will permanently settle this and a few other vexing questions for us. But what of the millons of Nature Lovers, who each year snatch only a brief time afield, for rest and recreation?

Trans. According to Dr. Gerstaecker, probably Phrynus Grayi Walck Gerv., bringing forth alive. "S. Sitzungsb. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, Berl." March 18, 1862, and portrayed and described in G. H. Bronn, "Ord. Class.," vol. v. 184. Calapnit, Tagal and Bicol, the bat; calapnitan, consequently, lord of the bats.

Gerstaecker states that the Argas Persicus is very annoying to travellers in Persia. Travellers in the tropics speak of the intolerable torment occasioned by these pests which, occurring ordinarily on shrubs and trees, attach themselves to all sorts of reptiles, beasts and cattle, and even man himself as he passes by within their reach.