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If it be'd summer-time now I'd sail the letter right round to St. John's in me fore-an'-aft schooner." "What a terrible place! It seems to be thousands of miles out of the world," murmured the singer. "Don't any ships ever come to this harbor except wrecks?" The skipper shook his head. "Me own fore-an'-aft, the Polly, bes the only vessel trades wid this harbor," he said.

You've never seen a steam-cutter let down on the deck, 'ave you? It's not usual, an' she takes a lot o' humourin'. Thus we 'ave the starboard side completely blocked an' the general traffic tricklin' over'ead along the fore-an'-aft bridge. Then Chips gets into her an' begins balin' out a mess o' small reckonin's on the deck.

"I'm sailor enough to know my way alow or aloft in any weather, sir," he retorted. The captain saw his opening and struck. "What's the ring-tail?" he demanded. "It's a studdin'-s'l on the gaff of a fore-an'-aft, sail, sir. You haven't got one on the Retriever, sir." "Huh! You've been reading W. Clark Russell's sea yarns," the skipper charged.

She patted the other's hand and smiled up at her. "Is he so rich then?" she asked. "And what is a skipper? if he is not the captain of a ship? How can a man be the skipper of a village like this?" "His father was skipper," replied Mary. "The fore-an'-aft schooner bes his, an' the store wid flour an' tea in it for whoever needs them. It bes the way o' the coast more or less."

"No, dear, he's got four, but I've the same difficulty wi' them that I had wi' the ears one behind the other, you know. However, there you have 'em so, in the fore-an'-aft style.