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I began reproaching instead of remonstrating with him, and I declared him responsible for the consequences which such a desertion must bring upon the sick man. At this the bookbinder, who was just going, stopped with an oath, and stamped his foot. "Am I to spend my Carnival in heating water for footbaths, pray?" "You must not leave your comrade to die without help!" I replied.

I began reproaching instead of remonstrating with him, and I declared him responsible for the consequences which such a desertion must bring upon the sick man. At this the bookbinder, who was just going, stopped with an oath, and stamped his foot. "Am I to spend my Carnival in heating water for footbaths, pray?" "You must not leave your comrade to die without help!" I replied.

I began reproaching instead of remonstrating with him, and I declared him responsible for the consequences which such a desertion must bring upon the sick man. At this the bookbinder, who was just going, stopped with an oath, and stamped his foot. "Am I to spend my Carnival in heating water for footbaths, pray?" "You must not leave your comrade to die without help!" I replied.

Yet the presence of a thoroughly hard-headed person provokes a sneeze. There is a chilly vapor off him a swampish miasma that puts me in a snuffling state, beyond poultice and mustard footbaths. No matter how I huddle to the fire, my thoughts will congeal and my purpose cramp and stiffen. My conceit too will be but a shriveled bladder. Several years ago I knew a man of extreme hard-headedness.

And then for hours they chatted together, swinging their legs, and splashing the water, delighted to set a tempest raging in the peaceful pool whose freshness cooled their fever. These footbaths suggested a dangerous idea to Miette. Nothing would satisfy her but a complete bath.

Sitz baths and footbaths are rather superfluous in the ordinary bathroom, but we can spend a hundred dollars for the one and half that for the other without being taken for plutocrats. A very fair bathroom, such as would please most of us, may be equipped on a scale about as follows: Bathtub............................... $36.00