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Martha was glad that her bairn was having such a good time, and she would often stand on the porch with little Ellen's hand in hers and wave to Max and Lucy as they dashed down the garden road and out through the gate, the tiger behind; but Jane, with that quick instinct which some women possess, recognized something in Feilding's manner which she could not put into words, and so held her peace.

Good-by, Miss Jane; good-by, doctor." And he shut the door behind him. With the closing of the door the sound of wheels was heard a crisp, crunching sound and then the stamping of horses' feet. Max Feilding's drag, drawn by the two grays and attended by the diminutive Bones, had driven up and now stood beside the stone steps of the front door of the hospital.

Jane had said one morning to Lucy, who had just announced her intention of spending a few days in Philadelphia with Max Feilding's sister Sue, whom she had met abroad when Max was studying in Dresden Max was still a bachelor, and his sister kept house for him. He was abroad at the time, but was expected by every steamer.

All of Mr. Feilding's equipages brought a crowd of onlookers, no matter how often they appeared he had five with him at Beach Haven, including the four-in-hand which he seldom used but the grays and the light wagon, by common consent, were considered the most "stylish" of them all, not excepting the drag.