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Listen to this: you seek to be of service to me. Have you any plan?" "No plan but that which posts guards at your door and keeps you within these walls " "That the enemies of Venice may do their work. Is that your reason, Signor Falier?" "I have no other reason, Excellency, but your own safety and that of the city."

I am rather at a loss to explain how it made our lives in Casa Falier any pleasanter to think that a beheaded traitor had been born in it, but we relished the superstition amazingly as long as we could possibly believe in it. What went far to confirm us at first in our credulity was the residence, in another part of the palace, of the Canonico Falier, a lineal descendant of the unhappy doge.

"I am indebted to you, Signor Falier," said he, quietly, "and you know that I am not the man to forget my obligations. None the less, I fear that I must disregard your warning, for I have an appointment in the market to-night, and my word is not so easily broken. Let me reassure you a little. The news that you bring to me, and for which I am your debtor, was known to me three days ago.

The rest of the house belonged to another, for in Venice many of the palaces are divided up and sold among different purchasers, floor by floor, and sometimes even room by room. But the tenantry of Casa Falier was far more various than its proprietorship.