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The Mountain yielded a gradual Descent to most beautiful Meadows, enamell'd with Cowslips, Roses, Lilies, Jessamines, Carnations, and other fragrant Flowers, unknown to the Inhabitants of our Globe, which were as grateful to the Smell, as entertaining to the Eye.

How differently the face of nature appeared to me now! with what different sensations I beheld the same objects! "No brighter colours paint th' enamell'd fields, No sweeter fragrance now the garden yields; Whence then this strange increase of joy? Is it to love these new delights I owe?"

*Midsummer Night's Dream, Act III Scene i. He remembered, perhaps, in after years his rambles by the slow- flowing Avon, when he wrote: "He makes sweet music with th' enamell'd stones, Giving a gentle kiss to every sedge He overtaketh in his pilgrimage; And so by many winding nooks he strays, With willing sport, to the wide ocean."* *Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act II Scene vii.

In three Hours, or thereabout, I came to the Extremity of the Wood, which was bounded by a large Meadow, enamell'd with the most beautiful-coloured Flowers, and hedg'd on the three other Sides with Limes, and with large Orange-Trees, placed at equal Distances in the Fence. This, with the Prospect I had of Corn Fields, made me conclude the Country inhabited by a civiliz'd People.

"The water's reflection is true, The green is enamell'd to view, And Philomel sings on the spray; The gale is the breathing of spring, 'Tis fragrance it bears on its wing, And the bee is assur'd it is May." In sending these verses to Mrs.