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The words were nothing, but the tone and the expression that accompanied them somehow convinced him beyond a doubt. "You'll let me help you?" She debated. "You might bring me something to eat mightn't you? The eggs'll do for supper. But there's tomorrow. I don't want to be seen till I get a long ways off." He rose at once. "Yes, I'll bring you something to eat."

"Well anyhow you like to fix it," said Earl, "eggs or calf's blood I won't quarrel with you about the eggs, though I never heerd o' blue ones afore, 'cept the robin's and bluebird's and I've heerd say the swamp black bird lays a handsome blue egg, but I never happened to see the nest myself; and there's the chippin' sparrow, but you'd want to rob all the birds' nests in creation to get enough of 'em, and they ain't here in sugar time, nother; but anyhow any eggs'll do I s'pose if you can get 'em or milk'll do if you ha'n't nothin' else and after it is turned out into the barrel you just let it stand still a spell till it begins to grain and look clean on top"

And very like those eggs'll do for father's supper; so, I daresay, I'll not say anything to him this time just for once. Now go up." Tiza didn't want to be told twice, and presently, just as Mr. and Mrs. Norton and Olly were coming back from their walk, they met Aunt Emma coming back from the farm holding Becky's hand, while Milly and Tiza walked in front. "Well, Tiza," said Mr.