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So, after promising to come again with final word and some bags of earnest-money, Pratinas parted with the lanista, and he and Lucius Ahenobarbus found themselves again in the now entirely darkened Campus Martius. Lucius again feared brigands, but they fell in with no unpleasant nocturnal wayfarers, and reached the city without incident.

"No, I couldn'," she sighed, shaking her head. "Father's very violent in his temper. But I tell you what," she added: "I might fetch the keys, and you might go an' see the place for yourself." "Capital," said Mr. Jope. While she was fetching these he finished his beer. Then, having insisted on paying down a guinea for earnest-money, he took the keys and her directions for finding the house.

There are those in this country, Germans, who could eat an Italian army at a meal, whom I would fain engage, and their leaders want earnest-money the griping knaves! How are the Cardinal's florins to be paid?" "Half now half when thy troops are before Rimini!" "Rimini! the thought whets my sword.

In the first instance I am going to undertake a private affair of my own; and as you will really run no risk in the matter, for I shall separate myself from you after making my capture, I shall pay you only an earnest-money of twenty crowns each. In future affairs we shall act upon the principle of shares.

You have not go soon forgotten the earnest-money you received?" The old sailor shoved the dish from before him, and, folding his arms, he looked his companion full in the eye, as he calmly answered, "When I am fairly enlisted in a service, I am a man to be counted on. I hope you sail under the same colors, friend Harris?" "It would be dishonest to be otherwise.