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"There'll not be much of this iceberg left soon," said I, "if the drift is to the southward." "What d'ye think, that the drift's northerly?" exclaimed Sweers. "I'll tell you what it is; it's these icebergs drifting in masses down south into the Atlantic which cause the sudden spells of cold weather you get in England during seasons when it ought to be hot."

And there could be no mirror surface in there, surely there could not be?" Yes, things were moving too fast. Hume might be overly cautious but he was determined that no hint of any pre-knowledge of the L-B must ever come to these civs. When they would find the Largo Drift's life boat and locate Brodie, there would be a legal snarl.

No, no evidence at present." "The Largo Drift," Wass repeated slowly, "carrying, among others, Gentlefem Tharlee Kogan Brodie." "And her son Rynch Brodie, who was at the time of the Largo Drift's disappearance a boy of fourteen." "You have indeed made a find." Wass gave that simple statement enough emphasis to assure Hume he had won.

"Come along with me, Joan," answered Uncle Chirgwin, straightening himself and applying his big handkerchief to her face. "God send the man'll be 'longside 'e right soon, as you sez. Till he do come, you shaan't leave me no more. Drift's home for you while you'm pleased to bide theer. An' I'll see your faither presently, though I wish 'twas any other man."