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"Just poke the fire!" he said to Euan. From a drawer in the table he produced a board on which he pinned down the letter with a drawing-pin at each corner. Then he dipped a paint-brush into one of the bottles and carefully painted the whole surface of the sheet with some invisible fluid. "So!" he said, "we'll leave that to dry and see if we can find out any little secrets, eh?

Coming out of the call-box, Stuart proceeded home, but made one or two professional visits before he actually returned to the house. He had broken the cork of a flask, and in the absence of another of correct size had manufactured a temporary stopper with a small cork to the top of which he had fixed the Chinese coin with a drawing-pin.

Coming out of the call-box, Stuart proceeded home, but made one or two professional visits before he actually returned to the house. He had broken the cork of a flask, and in the absence of another of correct size had manufactured a temporary stopper with a small cork to the top of which he had fixed the Chinese coin with a drawing-pin.

I suppressed a gasp of astonishment. Small wonder that our plans had leaked out. This was a momentous discovery indeed. And as I watched the portly Greek who was not only one of the most celebrated mâitres d'hôtel in Europe, but also a creature of Dr. Fu-Manchu, he cast the light of his electric lamp upon a note attached by means of a drawing-pin to the inside of the room door.

Next morning the inhabitants of Big Stone Hole were startled by reading this announcement outside the cabin which Dan had resigned to Miss Musgrave: SINGING AND MUSIC TAUGHT. LITERARY WORK DONE. It was printed on a card, which was affixed to the door by means of a drawing-pin, and from within came the sound of a contralto voice singing to a guitar accompaniment.

Then: "Have I cultivated somnambulism!" he muttered. Fragments of black sealing-wax adhered to the coin! Incredulous and half fearful he peered at it closely. He remembered that the impression upon the wax sealing the mysterious envelope had had a circular depression in the centre. It had been made by the head of the drawing-pin!

Then: "Have I cultivated somnambulism!" he muttered. Fragments of black sealing-wax adhered to the coin! Incredulous and half fearful he peered at it closely. He remembered that the impression upon the wax sealing the mysterious envelope had had a circular depression in the centre. It had been made by the head of the drawing-pin!