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Vaguely, she had deemed him outcast for some big, reckless sin that by the splendour of its recklessness almost earned its own forgiveness. And instead this! This drab-hued, pitiful weakness for which she could find no pardon in her heart. Through the turmoil of her thoughts she became conscious that Elisabeth was stooping over her, answering her wild incredulous questioning.

Last night the days and nights that had preceded it flooded his consciousness, and in a moment he was out of bed and pulling back the drab-hued curtains that hid the window.

The boy followed, climbing and ever climbing, until the meagre hand-rail appeared to lengthen into dream-like coils, and the threadbare, drab-hued carpet, with its vivid red border, to assume the proportions of some confusing scroll. But at length the end was reached, and Jean, beaming and triumphant, announced their goal. 'This way!

For the last three days our ride had been over stone and sand, with here and there a melancholy palm shooting up from the drab-hued desert, the sun beating down and being reflected up in a way that was almost unbearable; even Tom riding with his mouth open, panting like a dog, his face coated with perspiration and dust; while when at night we had stopped at some wretched makeshift of an inn a hut generally where a grass hammock and a little lukewarm water was the total accommodation a wash or bath of any kind had been quite out of the question.