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'Lige and I were double-heading on nine coaches of passengers and when on a heavy grade in Alder Gulch, a slide of snow started from far up the mountain-side, swept over the track just ahead of us, carrying trees, telegraph poles and the track with it. We tried to stop, but 'Lige's engine got into it, and was carried sideways down some fifty or sixty feet.

In double-heading there's always a row as to who ought to go ahead and enjoy the scenery or stay behind and eat cinders." I knew from the first that Gun had a story to tell, if he'd only give it up, and I fear I often led up to it, with the hope that he would tell it to me but he never did.

One night in August I was dropping an old Baldwin consolidator down a long Mexican grade, after having helped a stock train over the division by double-heading.

I'm anxious to see how the performance sheet looks at the end of the year, John." "Who's been double-heading, Gun?" "Why why, my little girl, trimmest, neatest, slickest little mill you ever saw.

Brock so, and he is here this morning to see what things look like after a cloudburst. A tunnel will save two miles of track and all the double-heading." "But, Glover, what's that got to do with this fruit? Confound your tunnel, what I want is a track.