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We do not desire to rest under a false imputation of being gamblers. Now then you have one chance. Tell us just who you are and your purpose and we may spare you; otherwise " The man stopped. "What will you do otherwise?" "Kill you." "See here; you men cannot double-bank me. I am not here to be robbed. I see through this farce. You rascals cannot scare me." "Hear!" exclaimed one of the men.

It will be in the church, of course, just before midday. You will be the best man as usual. You and my sister shall do the honors that day. All my friends will be there. I will have the church smothered in flowers. I will corrupt the organist, bribe the choir, double-bank the preacher in advance, and we will all have a rousing time. We will, by Jove!"

Even Henry Eckford, so well known for having undertaken to cut the trees and put upon the waters of Ontario two double-bank frigates, if frigates they could be termed, each of which was to mount its hundred guns, in the short space of sixty days, scarce manifested greater energy in carrying out his contract, than did these rustic islanders in preparing their craft to compete with that which they were now certain was about to sail from the place where their kinsman had breathed his last.

'We must double-bank my horse, whispers Jim, 'for a mile or two, till we're clear of the place; we didn't want to bring a lot of horses about. He jumped up, and I mounted behind him. Starlight was on Rainbow in a second. The half-caste disappeared, he was going to keep dark for a few days and send us the news.