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Therefore, if you are the victim of self-pity and if your own past sufferings discolor your every pleasant thought, at least do not taint the minds of your friends. At least keep your direful broodings to yourself if you are determined to retain them. It is, however, far wiser and manlier to avoid such thoughts, in which case your memory of these torturing experiences will gradually fade away.

"Any time you say," he said, with ease, refusing to discolor his present delight with this miserable problem. "Saturday?" asked Carrie. He nodded his head. "Well, if you will marry me then," she said, "I'll go." The manager looked at his lovely prize, so beautiful, so winsome, so difficult to be won, and made strange resolutions.

This grows in the shape of pods, and is of a gelatinous character, much used for soup, and is also pickled; it may be boiled as follows: Put the young and tender pods of long white okra in salted boiling water in granite, porcelain or a tin-lined saucepan as contact with Iron will discolor it; boil fifteen minutes; remove the stems, and serve with butter, pepper, salt and vinegar if preferred.