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The great economy of this method is manifest from the fact that many old deposits in the river-beds, the gravel of which had been already washed by hand, have again been washed with profit by the hydraulic method. 'In California the whole art of working the diluvial gold-deposits was revolutionised by this new method.

Yet, if the pretensions to infallibility set up, not by the ancient Hebrew writings themselves, but by the ecclesiastical champions and friends from whom they may well pray to be delivered, thus shatter themselves against the rock of natural knowledge, in respect of the two most important of all events, the origin of things and the palingenesis of terrestrial life, what historical credit dare any serious thinker attach to the narratives of the fabrication of Eve, of the Fall, of the commerce between the Bene Elohim and the daughters of men, which lie between the creational and the diluvial legends?

In the diverse opinions of Dubois, Virchow, Nehring, Kollmann, Krause and others, we have almost an epitome of the present state of the Darwinian question. He held fast to his ceterum censeo: “As yet no diluvial discovery has been made which can be referred to a man of a pithecoid type.” Indeed, his polemic orcautionin regard to the Theory of Descent went even further.

Formation of the delta of the Rhone The diluvial wash The alluvium spread over this The three stages the river pursues The zone of erosion The zone of compensation The zone of deposit River mouths Estuaries and deltas The formation of bars Of lagoons The lagoons of the Gulf of Lyons The ancient position of Arles between the river and the lagoons Neglect of the lagoons in the Middle Ages They become morasses Attempt at remedy Embankments and drains A mistake made The Camargue now a desert Les Saintes Maries No evidence to support the legend Based on a misapprehension.